
2018 Safety workshop concludes in Brussels


On 12 and 13 June 2018, Euro Chlor held a successful workshop on incident reporting and experience sharing in the European chlor-alkali industry.

With 27 participants from 14 member companies, the workshop covered why incident reporting and learning from these incidents is important, based on the experiences of two of the businesses present.

The event also involved group work on a theoretical incident, designed to help attendees identify root causes and mechanisms to share any learnings both within their companies and with the wider Euro Chlor community. No chlorine valve or piping, membrane, knock-out vessel or measurement instrument remained unstudied!

Sharing knowledge from incidents, and the lessons learned, is one of the cornerstones of the continuous improvement of Euro Chlor’s safety advice. Feedback from the event has identified that more work is needed to encourage incident reporting, using digital media to spread information and to form a task force dedicated to focus on process safety issues and incident reporting within Euro Chlor.

Ton Manders, Euro Chlor’s Technical Director, praised the hard work of all participants commenting that “it was encouraging to see people with different backgrounds coming from different companies and countries working together to find safety solutions”.

2018 Safety workshop

Attendees of the 2018 Euro Chlor Safety Workshop