
Euro Chlor appoints new Management Committee Chair


Johan Van Den Broeck, Executive Vice President Commercial at Vynova, was voted in as the new Chairman of the Euro Chlor Management Committee at the Euro Chlor General Assembly in Munich, Germany, on 9 September 2022. Mr. Van Den Broeck will hold the position for the next two years.

With more than 35 years of professional experience, Mr. Van Den Broeck is responsible for business management, sales, supply chain and purchasing for Vynova. He is Belgian and has a degree in Commercial Engineering from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). He joined the Euro Chlor Management Committee in 2016.

During the Euro Chlor General Assembly, he praised the work of outgoing Chair, Dr. Bleukx (Inovyn), who has been instrumental in supporting the Euro Chlor Mid-Century Strategy (MCS), including his twin priorities of safety and hydrogen.

As part of his tenure, Mr. Van Den Broeck will focus on improving the safety performance and safeguarding the competitiveness of the European chlor-alkali industry. The latter relates to advancing Euro Chlor’s key priority trends within the association's MCS, most notably the files related to energy and hydrogen and the REACH restriction agenda.