
June 2017 Chlorine Production


With 27,572 tonnes, the June average daily production was 2.8% higher than in the previous month (May 2017: 26,813 tonnes), and 10.1% higher than in June 2016 (25,048 tonnes).

With 181,478 tonnes, the June caustic soda stocks were 4.0% lower than in the previous month (May 2017: 189,025 tonnes), and 19,240 tonnes below the level of June 2016 (200,718 tonnes).

Details of chlorine production and caustic soda stocks in the EU-28 countries plus Norway
and Switzerland in May 2017 are provided in the following tables.

Chlorine production & capacity utilisation - EU 28 + Norway/Switzerland 

Month Production (tonnes) Capacity Utilisation (%)
2016 2017 % change 2016 2017
January 821,341 840,794 +2.4 81.9 82.8
February 805,394 773,366 -4.0 85.9 84.3
March 802,803 790,151  -1.6 80.1 77.8
April 670,713 779,636 +16.2 69.1 79.3
May 748,409 831,218 +11.1 74.7 81.8
June 751,434 827,154 +10.1 77.5 84.1

Caustic soda stocks (tonnes)

2016 2017
January 243,389 201,799
February 252,472 226,684
March 231,506 200,342
April 226,702 195,342
May 221,326 189,025
June 200,718 181,478

Further information:
Dolf van Wijk, Executive Director,  tel: +32 2 676 73 70

Footnote to Editors
Some of the totals for each month may vary slightly compared with figures used earlier. Please rely on the most recent information since it sometimes happens that estimates have to be made when data is supplied late by a producer. This is subsequently adjusted when the actual figure becomes available.

Euro Chlor provides a focal point for the chlor-alkali industry’s drive to achieve a sustainable future through economically and environmentally sound manufacture and use of its products. Based in Brussels, at the heart of the European Union, the federation works with national, European and international authorities to ensure that legislation affecting the industry is workable, efficient and effective. Euro Chlor communicates in a transparent way with all stakeholders and systematically highlights chlorine chemistry benefits.