


In October, the European chlorine production reached 578,623 tonnes. With 18,665 tonnes, the October 2022 average daily production was 3.6% lower than in the previous month (September 2022: 19,355 tonnes), and 24.4% lower than in October 2021 (24,683 tonnes).With 186,491 tonnes, the October 2022 caustic soda stocks were 1% lower than in the previous month (September 2022: 188,459 tonnes), but 5,501 tonnes above the level of October 2021 (180,990 tonnes).The following tables give the details of chlorine production and caustic soda stocks in the EU-27 countries plus Norway, Switzerland, and the UK in October 2022.

Chlorine production & capacity utilisation - EU 27 + Norway/Switzerland/UK

Month Production (tonnes) Capacity Utilisation (%)
2021 2022 % change 2021 2022
January 860,636 851,956 -1.0% 86.7% 85.8%
February 795,244 775,241 -2.5% 88.7% 86.4%
March 806,041 737,568 -8.5% 81.2% 74.2%
April 769,948 708,577 -8.0% 80.1% 73.7%
May 800,808 748,474 -6.5% 80.7% 75.3%
June 805,944 682,760 -15.3% 83.9% 71.0%
1st half year 4,838,620 4,504,576 -6.9% 83.5% 77.7%
July 853,210 687,366 -19.4% 85.9% 69.2%
August 825,923 657,461 -20.4% 83.2% 66.2%
September 735,818 580,658 -21.1% 76.6% 60.4%
October 765,167 578,623 -24.4% 77.1% 58.2%

 Caustic soda stocks (tonnes)

  2021 2022
January 233,430 226,493
February 254,122 250,434
March 206,381 210,522
April 207,497 192,315
May 192,193 193,168
June 174,122 193,054
July 194,704 206,008
August 216,463 n/a
September 199,788 188,459
October 180,990 186,491

For more information please contact:
Marleen Pauwels, Executive Director, Euro Chlor, +32 493 255 607 or 

About Euro Chlor
Euro Chlor represents 37 member companies producing chlorine at 62 manufacturing locations in 19 countries.

Note to editors:
Some of the totals for each month may vary slightly compared with figures used earlier. Please rely on the most recent information since it sometimes happens that we have to estimate when a producer is late in providing data. This is subsequently adjusted when the actual figure becomes available.